By Rev. Jim and Carolyn Murphy

Table of Contents...



Emerging nation Christians amaze me with their knowledge of the demon world. I believe that among most of the people in emerging nations knowledge of the demon world’s impact on daily life is common. Few residents of those nations doubt the existence of demons. I have heard of many,many instances of human interaction with the demonic realm in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Names and rituals vary from place to place and continent to continent, but in the emerging nations, human interaction with the demon world is common.

I had a recent experience in Tanzania that shows what the peoples on the African continent face. I was teaching about demonism in a leadership seminar to pastors. One of the pastors stood and asked, through the interpreter, “May I make a comment?” I responded, “Yes, brother, certainly you may.” It wasn’t what he said about the teaching that surprised me. It was his first statement. He said, “For twenty years I was a Satanist. Every word our brother has said is true!”

Before I could respond to that pastor, another pastor stood and said, “For fifteen years I was a witch doctor. I, too, agree with Brother Murphy!” Needless to say, we had the full attention of every delegate

To my knowledge never had I had a former Satanist and former witch doctor sitting in on my seminars! I immediately opened the seminar to a “question and answer” session. That discussion greatly increased the understanding of the satanic kingdom for all present.

That evening I privately interviewed both of these men. I asked detailed questions about their former involvement in demonism. I will share portions of those interviews with you:

Interview With A Former Satanist

JIM: How did you become a Satanist?

PASTOR: Through my parents. I was given over to Satan at birth. I was born into a family in which my father was a demon king over a certain region of Tanzania. My father had a contract with the ruling demon of the area.

JIM: Were you aware that your powers came from Satan?


JIM: How did the spirits talk to you? Did you hear a voice?

PASTOR: They communicated with me in three ways. Sometimes I would hear a voice, sometimes they would appear to me in my dreams, and sometimes it would be through feelings. My body became “sensitized” to what they were telling me to do.

JIM: Did you believe you were helping or hurting yourself or other people?

PASTOR: The demons would help me. If I needed money, they would provide it. [How?] Strangers, or people I scarcely knew would walk up and give money to me. Or I would get promoted on my job ...often the person over me got sick or had an accident and I was promoted. The demons also helped other people if I asked them to do so.As for hurting people, I didn’t have the power to send the demons to attack other people. But I could personally attack people with superhuman strength. On one occasion I defeated fifteen men at once in a fight.

JIM: Were you ever instructed by the demons to do evil?

PASTOR: I never personally entered into a contract with the demons so I was never given that authority.

JIM: Would you describe what you mean by “contract”?

PASTOR: To become a king, as my father had done, one must go through an ordination service. One then offers a sacrifice to Satan. (I inherited the sacrifice made by my father and therefore didn’t have to make one personally). The sacrifice involved a ritual performed at an old, hidden grave surrounded by brush. A demon must possess the person who takes you to the grave. A demon supervises the ceremony. The grave is first covered with certain objects and a special cloth. Then words [incantations] are spoken over it. The new king then kills a sheep and sprinkles its blood on the objects and on a special tree near the grave. He lies on the grave and the special cloth covers him. This ceremony fulfilled the ceremonial part of the contract requirement to become a demon king. In addition to that ritual there were verbal terms of the contract. The new demon king had to agree to all of the terms. But people who requested demon services also entered into a contract by virtue of their participating in and receiving the services.

JIM: Were you aware that people who came to you for help were entering into a demonic contract?

PASTOR: Those of my clan had all inherited a certain demon so they were already in a demonic contract. If another person [not of my clan] came, they came with the knowledge of the pending contract, or a demon led them. The result was that they did enter into a contract.

JIM: Did you know of Jesus while you were a Satanist?

PASTOR: Yes, I was a Roman Catholic. The Catholics I know did not teach against this. The demons taught me that demonism is the “first-class” power of the world and that all Christian religion is of the “second-class” power of the world.

[At this point the interpreter injected a fact from his own family background. He stated that his uncle was a minister in a very liberal Christian church. His uncle had offered his own child as a sacrifice to demons to get the power to protect his ministry! He further stated that in his area of the country the demons taught that no religion can exist without having this protection of the demons. Therefore, they “worked together” - the demons and the clergy. He stated that evangelicals did not have this working agreement and they were demon free. But neither were they accepted by the people because the demons told the people to stay away from them.]

JIM: Tell me about the demons.

PASTOR: We believe there are three types of demons, those who protect, those who attack, and demons of kinship. As a child I learned how important demon power is and that it will help you all your life. I didn’t learn about any other god. As I grew older I discovered the works of the demons. Demon teaching said, “No person can live without having a demon.” I also learned of the demon of death -if you refused any instructions from the demon world this demon would kill you.

JIM: Did you ever have the power to “curse” people?

PASTOR: I never received that power while I was in training because I wouldn’t sign the contract.

JIM: Did you ever see Satan?

PASTOR: No, I only saw a demon messenger of Satan in the form of a man, but I knew he was a demon.

JIM: How did you become a born-again Christian?

PASTOR: After I refused to sign the contract with Satan, a powerful demon came and put me in a satanic prison for four years.

JIM: What kind of prison?

PASTOR: It was a prison of disease and torment. I became deathly ill and demons tormented me day and night. All the while they were trying to get me to sign the contract.

JIM: Why did you refuse to sign it?

PASTOR: Because it was too costly. It required that I offer a sheep and cow every year. Under the contract, if I did not offer these two animals every year, then they would kill and sacrifice me. Cows are very expensive in my society. After four years of suffering, I was taken to a witch doctor to see if he could heal me. As a result I grew worse. Then something happened inside me. The fear of death left me. So I went back home and fearlessly waited to die. While I was waiting for my death I heard a demon say, “You will die unless you do what I have told you to do. I responded, “I’m waiting to die for there is no other way.” My relatives then took me to a town with a hospital. There I met a Roman Catholic sister who had a tract on prayer. For the first time ever I read about Jesus and the way He healed people. I prayed, “If there is a God who can help me, then I will follow that God.” So I began to ask myself, “Is God going to heal me or is a demon going to kill me?” I was waiting to see what would happen. I was praying every day to “the God who could help me.” Even while I was praying this prayer daily I was still getting worse. One day I fell asleep and saw a vision. An old man came to me in my vision and said, “I hear that you are requesting to die. Would you like to die?” “Yes,” I replied, “My condition is getting worse and it is better if I die.” Then the old man began an evil laugh and disappeared. I remained in bed for three more days. On the third day at noontime I heard a very small voice say, “You will receive your answer today.” I thought I was going to die. Toward the end of the day something strange happened. I felt something go down deep into my body. I felt my whole body “fill up with air!” Not the demonic kind of filling I experienced before. It had been a long time since I could stand, walk, or tend to myself. My hands and legs hadn’t functioned for some time. Then I heard this same small voice say, “Stand up and walk - you are healed.” Instantly, I stood and walked! I was healed! Up to that time I had been a heavy smoker and drinker. It immediately became very difficult and unpleasant to smoke or drink and I stopped doing both. Once in a while I would try to smoke and I felt as if I wanted to die every time! One day, as I was trying to smoke a cigarette, the small voice asked, “Do you want that sickness to come back?” I never smoked again!
   Then I started to love going to Christian churches. Until then, I didn’t even know they existed. One day the small voice said, “Go to Morogoro” [a city in Tanzania]. There I found people who were preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The small voice said, “Go, follow those people. They will help you.
   Soon the small voice said, “Now you need to receive Jesus and be saved.” I then asked Jesus to save me. My deliverance came the instant the “air” entered my body. Jesus called me as a pastor after one year. He baptized me in the Holy Spirit after two years.

JIM: What did the demons do when you turned to Jesus?

PASTOR: They came and whispered, “You are going in the wrong direction!” They came frequently. Each time I rebuked them in the name of Jesus and they left. Sometimes I felt fearful but I would pray and rebuke the demons and they would leave. I had to continually renounce and rebuke the demonic world for a long time. It was almost five years before they stopped coming back.

[End of interview].

This interview took almost two hours since I had to use an interpreter because the pastor spoke only Swahili. I then proceeded to ask the same questions of the pastor who had been a witch doctor for fifteen years. Here are portions of that interview:

Interview With A Former Witch Doctor

JIM: How did you become a witch doctor?

PASTOR: I was born into it. My father was Muslim. He was a master in both orders of the Muslim witch doctor sect. The sects are FARAKI, (which is of the earth) and AHERA, (which is of the heavenlies or paradise). A great demon instructed him in all aspects of both orders. My father used all of his sons in treating or attacking people.

JIM: Were you aware that your powers came from Satan?

PASTOR: In my younger years I didn’t know, but as I grew older I realized the source was Satan.

JIM: How did the spirits talk to you? Did you hear a voice?

PASTOR: I never heard a spirit speak. I applied my craft through medicines. The demons would write words which instructed me what to do for each person.

JIM: Did you believe you were helping or hurting people?

PASTOR: I know I could either help or hurt someone. I did both but I never killed anyone even though the power was there. Demons did use my brother to kill people.

JIM: How were people killed?

PASTOR: In several ways. Often it was by circumstances that caused an accident. At times it would be through poisoned food or by putting a demon in their chair or bed. Sometimes it was through charms.

JIM: Were you ever instructed by the demon to do evil?


JIM: Were you aware that people who came to you for help were entering into a demonic contract?

PASTOR: No, I didn’t know that.

JIM: Did you ever see Satan?

PASTOR: Yes. Before I became a Christian, he appeared in the form of a very well dressed man. He was very handsome. He told me to go to a certain place to find herbs which I offered to him in exchange for my life. Satan disappeared after this incident. I also saw him in the form of a woman once. These were the only two times. [NOTE: I didn’t ask how he knew it was Satan. I wish I had.]

JIM: Did you know about Jesus while you were a witch doctor?

PASTOR: I had heard the name.

JIM: How did you become a born-again Christian?

PASTOR: Years ago, in primary school, there was a religion class. The teacher was an Anglican and taught us about Jesus. All the words spoken by the teacher touched my heart. I became interested in Jesus but my father forbid me from looking further into Christianity because he was a Muslim. Muslims speak about “god” but they don’t know the God we know. I kept looking for a way to know God more. After I completed my education, I married an Anglican woman. That made my father very angry. He put a curse on me. For three years I had no contact with my parents. One night as I slept, I saw a strange light in my bedroom. I woke up distressed because I didn’t understand what was happening. Then I heard a small, gentle voice say, “Tomorrow you must go to a church. There someone will tell you about Jesus Christ and will baptize you.” I went to the Anglican Church. The pastor taught me about Jesus and baptized me (by sprinkling). A wonderful peace and joy came into my heart. I was very, very happy. I had never been so happy in all my life! But I continued to live a sinful life which made me very uncomfortable. I received a promotion on the job at that same time. I was a policeman and was promoted to inspector. I began to earn lots of money and continued to drink and do evil - even more evil than when I was a Muslim. The police transferred me to the Morogoro office. There I became a teacher in the Anglican Church. But I was still doing evil. One day the small voice said to me, “I haven’t freed you from Islam so that you could do what you are doing.” I became very depressed and was broken-hearted. I decided to abandon all evil practices in my personal life. After that born-again Christians began to visit me and teach me about salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. But I was still an Anglican and I opposed water baptism. After three years I visited the city of Dar es Salaam. There I went to an Assembly of God Church. That day the pastor taught on water baptism. I then believed it was for me. That day they immersed me in water baptism.I have since received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and today I am serving the Lord as a pastor.

JIM: What did the demons do when you turned to Jesus?

PASTOR: They attacked me severely! A demon would often come in the form of a man and knock on the door of my home. When I opened the door it would rush at me cornering me in my bedroom. It would enlarge itself filling almost the entire room. Sometimes it picked up the bed and come at me with it.

JIM: What did you do?

PASTOR: I used the authority of the name of Jesus! As I rebuked the demon in the name of Jesus it would begin to shrink. As I continued it would shrink to the size of a small dot and then disappear.

JIM: Were you aware of the “Satanists”?

PASTOR: No. I was aware of “good spirits” and I also was aware of a demon of death. My father had the power of the demon of death and could point his finger at someone and they would not live two days. But I never heard of “Satanists” or those who ritually worshipped Satan.

[End of interview].

Needless to say, both of these two men were strongly against any Christian ever dealing with the demon world. That came as no surprise to me.

Pastors Questioned About Demonism

As part of our research for this book, we mailed questionnaires to dozens of pastors and missionaries in many countries. We received responses from the following countries: Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, Brazil, Peru, Nigeria, Philippines, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Thailand, China and, here in the United States, from the Navajo Nation. We sent two types of questionnaires: one for Western missionaries and one for national pastors. The following is a summary of the answers we received in response to the pastors’ questionnaires. I have printed the entire question and then tried to summarize the responses. I have printed some responses word for word. (The responses are randomly listed).

Questionnaire Instructions:

You will note in the following questionnaire I make distinctions between: 1) spiritist practitioners, 2) witch doctors and 3) Satanists. These distinctions begin with question 15. For purposes of this questionnaire, I define these three terms as follows:

A SPIRITIST PRACTITIONER is one who operates in league with the spirit world for the supposed purpose of helping people. Their activities include healing, fortune telling, exercising powers over others, etc. This person gets his powers from the demonic realm but may not realize it.

A WITCH DOCTOR is one who uses herbs, incantations and spirits to treat illnesses, ward off “evil spirits,” casts spells on others, and generally control the spiritual matters of a community.

A SATANIST is an individual who is in league with the satanic-demonic world for his own personal gain. They usually are quiet about their powers and will rarely use them for any one else. They are involved in satanic rituals and ceremonies.


1. Were you aware of the existence of evil spirits when you were a child?

ANSWER: Most were, some were not.

Who taught you?

ANSWER: Parents, brothers/sisters, relatives.

How were you taught about them?

ANSWER: Through stories, comic books - one man stated that he could see them everywhere and initially thought that everyone could see them!

Did you communicate directly with spirits as a child?

ANSWER: All answered “No.”

2.Was the knowledge of demons common to all in your community?

ANSWER: All answered “Yes.”

3.In your city/village were children dedicated or given over to demons by their parents?

ANSWER: A few answered “No,” others said “Yes,” and still others said, “Some children were, mostly in non-christians families.”

4.What were you taught (by parents, other adults or demons) about Christianity?

ANSWER: 1) Christianity is good.

2) Christianity is a Western religion and we are not to follow it.

3) It is contrary to our culture.

4) Demons do not want any contact with Christians because of Christianity’s power.


5. What are the most commonly believed facts about spirits in your area?

ANSWER: 1) Muslims believe in evil spirits.

2) They appear as ancestors who once lived.

3) They appear as witch doctors.

4) There are good and bad spirits.

5) That they helped people pray to God (!) That God used demons for sending rain, relieving hunger, and so forth.

6) Spirits are everywhere.

7) We should wear “good-luck” charms and medals to protect us from evil.

8) We should not disrespect the spiritists who are powerful people.

9) One man in Brazil gave this answer: “...there were two people in my town who were crazy...due to demon possession. Everybody in my town had seen (at least once) three demon spirits...which are legendary in Brazil ... and perform much evil in the lives of people who are afraid `to see’ them.”

6. Were you ever told or did you ever believe that everyone must have a spirit to live?

ANSWER: Two thirds answered “Yes,” one third “No.”

7. Were you taught that the spirits have superior power to that of the Christian God?

ANSWER: Mostly said, “No,” but some said “It appeared so.” A few said “Yes.”

8. Were you told that there were “good” and “bad” spirits?

ANSWER: One said “No,” all the rest responded “Yes.”

9. When did you become aware that the spirits’ powers came from Satan?

ANSWER: 1) Most answered “when I was saved.”

2) A few answered “from childhood.”

10. Were you aware of categories or a ranking hierarchy of spirits?

ANSWER: Most answered “No.” Some said “Yes.” Of those who answered “Yes,” some could and did name the demons over their country, region and city.

11. Can you name the most evil or powerful spirit?
    ANSWER: Half of the pastors said “Yes” and gave the local name.

12.Were you ever directed in thought or action by demons?

ANSWER: Half answered “No,” half answered “Yes.”

If yes, please describe:

ANSWER: 1) During a fight.

2) By levitation of objects.

3) I could control the kind of cards a person got while playing cards.

4) I could describe people’s lives though I never knew them. I did this through a familiar spirit.

5) To seduce women.

6) To foresee the future.

7) To win prizes in gambling.

8) To read people’s minds.

9) I had visions of the evil spirit world.

10) I was led to feel that the only solution for my life’s problems would be to commit suicide.

11) I was directed to find trees that were used as medicine to heal people and to do evil deeds.

How many times did this happen?

ANSWER: For those who answered “Yes,” most said “Often,” and all said more than once.

13. Before you became a Christian, did you ever have the feeling you were under demonic control?

ANSWER: Some said “Yes,” most said “No.”

If yes, how do you think the demon got power over you?

ANSWER: 1) By doing his deeds.

2) By alcohol.

3) By accepting the power to curse people.

4) Through allowing a spiritist to pray over me and the child I was bearing at that time. I went for “protection.”

If yes, which parts of your being were affected:

ANSWERS: [Many named two or more affected areas.] 50% said mind, 25% said body, 38% said emotions, 25% said will.

14. What percentage of your village/tribe/community would you say encountered demon spirits?

ANSWER: Varied between 25% to 99%.

15. Were there spiritist practitioners in your village who healed people, told fortunes, found lost articles, etc?

ANSWER: All said “Yes.”

If yes, did different individuals “specialize” in different areas of expertise?

ANSWER: Yes, fortune telling, bringing rain, healing people, etc. One man told about “operations” performed on top of the skin for illness in the body which resulted in the people getting healed.

16. Were there witch doctors or their equivalent in your village/region?

ANSWER: All answered “Yes.”

17. Did these individuals have the power to help or harm people?

ANSWER: All said “Yes.”

If yes, how was this power passed on to others?

ANSWER: By discipleship, amulets, by the direction of spirits, by medicine (by cutting part of the body and pouring the medicine in the cut) and by conjuring up spirits to act upon something or someone.

18. Were there Satanists in your community?

ANSWER: Most said “Yes.”

If yes, how did you know about them?

ANSWER: 1) Parents told us by showing the skulls of dead relatives.

2) They celebrated their holy days.

3) Sometimes witch doctors participated in Satan worship.

4) Nothing is done [about them] because people fear them.

Did you ever become involved with them?

ANSWER: All said “No.”

If yes, please describe your involvement:

ANSWER: No answers.

19. If you have traveled, have you sensed that your knowledge of spirits and experience with spirits is much the same in other areas or regions of your country?

ANSWER: Most said “Yes.”

20. At what age did you first hear about Jesus?

ANSWER: The average age was around ten years old.


21. How did you become a born-again Christian?

ANSWER: 1) Through friends.

2) Through relatives.

3) By reading the Bible.

4) By attending church.

5) After seeing my neighbor who was troubled by evil spirits and was barren become delivered. I asked who had such power? She told me about Jesus of Nazareth for the first time. Then I received Him as my Saviour.

22. What did the spirits do (if anything) when you turned to Jesus?

ANSWER: 1) Tried to get me to backslide.

2) Tried to smother me to death - but the Holy Spirit told me to use the name of Jesus.

3) Nothing, but my frequent ailments left and never returned!

4) Tried to kill me through cars running over me and people who threatened to kill me.

5) They became angry and tried to kill me.

23. Did you feel demonic control or assault on your person after you became a Christian?

ANSWER: Most said “Yes,” a few said “No.”

If yes, how long did you experience demonic attacks?

ANSWER: The maximum time was six months.

If yes, how did you ultimately overcome the attacks?

ANSWER: 1) By the leading of the Holy Spirit.

2) By prayer.

3) By reading the Word.

4) By fighting back.

5) By asking Jesus to take my life in order not to allow me to return to Satan.

24. Please add any comments or observations you think would be helpful to our research on this subject.

COMMENTS: 1) I believe that some individuals are naturally born with a sensitivity to evil spirits while others are not.

2) It is unfortunate that many non-asian missionaries are totally ignorant, if not downright condescending/ skeptical/sarcastic about the existence of evil spirits. These missionaries reject the evil spirit evidence in our country. Asians are more attuned to the spirits that caucasians. In fact, Europeans and Americans go to psychic healers and have psychic surgery.

3) I believe there is a connection between the members of a clan by passing the power/influence/curse to another generation. A paternal grandfather and a maternal grandmother transferred some power - and I got it at age six and did not know it.

4) It is VERY IMPORTANT to know the strength of satanic “organized groups” [whose troops are like a trained army], and how to fight against them.

Missionaries Questioned About Demonism

Now, the response to the Missionary Questionnaires. Again, I selected some of the answers word for word because of their contribution: (The responses are listed in random order).

1.While on the mission field, did you feel the need to engage in spiritual warfare?

ANSWER: All said “Yes.”

If yes, for what reason?

ANSWER: 1) Demonic oppression.

2) Personal encounters with spirits.

3) Demonic control over churches.

4) To save the physical and spiritual life of another.

5) Demonic manifestations during ministry.

6) To get Christians delivered.

7) Satan did not like our entering his territory. He had ruled there for centuries.<

If yes, how often did you undertake such spiritual warfare?

ANSWER: The answers varied from very often to occasionally.

2. Do you believe you were adequately trained and equipped as a missionary to deal with the demonic powers you encountered on the mission field?

ANSWER: 60% said “Yes,” 40% said “No.” (Note: most who returned questionnaires were Pentecostals).

If yes, please describe the training:

ANSWER: 1) Missions school.

2) Older missionaries.

3) From books.

4) By working with national church leaders.

5) By observing and participating.

If no, please describe the training that would have prepared you:

ANSWER: 1) By apprenticeship to a mature missionary.

2) By a manual.

3) More time in the school of prayer and fasting.

4) People need to be with men and women who know how.

5) More reading and memorizing of the Word.

3. Do you believe that the national Christians were reluctant to discuss the demonic world and its problems with you?

ANSWER: 70% said “No, 30% “Yes.”

Please elaborate:

ANSWER: 1) They wouldn’t mention the subject too often.

2) (They see us as being) logical...not giving room for the demonic world.

3) They were ashamed.

4. Did you perceive that the territory of your mission field was under demonic control/influence?

ANSWER: 90% said “Yes,” or “Some.”

a. If yes, describe that control:

ANSWER: 1) By holding people under the power of Satan.

2) By making division between pastors.

3) By open attack from authorities.

4) By sending demon possessed people.

5) Sometimes I can see it in their eyes.

6) By oppression and false doctrines.

7) By hindrances, i.e., breakdown of equipment, electricity failure, etc.

8) Various cults, communism, homosexuality and the difficulty converts have breaking away from these powers.

5. While on the mission field, did you ever encounter people who were demonized?

ANSWER: 90% said “Yes.”

a. If yes, how did you know they were demonized?

ANSWER: 1) By the Holy Spirit.

2) I can see it in their eyes sometimes.

3) By demonic manifestations.

4) (Incurable) rashes on the skin, change of voice.

5) Other voices speaking out of them (if woman, man’s voice, etc). extraordinary strength, disrupting services.

6) Discernment.

7) Their eyes talk, dislike of Christians and songs about the blood and name of Jesus, not bathing, foul odor.

What percent of the general population on your field would you estimate were demonized, even to a small degree?

ANSWER: Here the answers varied widely. Some left the question unanswered. Others said, “Small, 2-5%, 2%, 15-20%, 25%” While a few said, “Nearly all, 98%.”

Briefly describe the manifestations of the demons in a person you encountered which you believe to be typical of a demonically oppressed national:

ANSWER: 1) A very thin girl got so strong as we prayed for her that she knocked down a large man, also she looked so hateful and desperate and sometimes screamed incredible blasphemies.

2) Violence, astral projection, wandering around zombie like, shaking violently, promiscuity, disorientation and confusion, bad odors, disfiguring of face, cannibalism (some of these are rare, but are nonetheless present).

3) Their eyes are different.

4) Falling to the ground, shaking and evil talking.

5) Long-lasting pain, blindness, undiagnosable sickness, seizures during worship services.

6) Tormented by fear of evil spirits, drawn by a power outside of self, depressed, no rest or peace, lies and believes lies, cannot comprehend the truth.

6. Do you believe a national Christian was ever demonized?

ANSWER: 60% Answered “Yes,” 20% said “No,” 20% did not answer the question.

7. Did you attempt to exorcise the demon?

ANSWER: 70% said “Yes,” 10% said “No.” 20% did not answer the question.

a. If yes, describe your approach and procedure of exorcism:

ANSWER: 1) Committed to cast it out, rebuked and took charge of it while pleading the blood of Jesus.

2) I commanded the demon to go in the name of Jesus and the girl was thrown to the floor in convulsions.

3) I told the demon to leave in Jesus’ name.

4) We prayed and fasted prior to exorcism...(she) renounced the evil spirit, she was anointed with oil, the demons were commanded to go and she was freed.

5) Authority was taken over the spirits, pleading the blood of Jesus, used the Word and physical restraint where necessary, discernment to know actually when a person was free and when a religious spirit was demonstrating, hours of concentrated prayer.

6) I command the demon to leave. But if it is a Christian, I feel that rebellion is the door for evil spirits to enter.

7) a. Find the cause, b. Lead the victim to repent, c. Victim renounces the demon verbally, d. We command the demon to leave.

8) Showed love, took her into my home and found out where she had given place to the devil, tried to get her to repent of hatred and resentment toward her husband and a pastor. She would not forgive or acknowledge her fault...but she said she wanted deliverance. I wasn’t successful.

8. Were you successful in exorcising the demon(s)?

ANSWER: 60% said “Yes,” 20% said “No,” 20% didn’t respond to the question.

9. Did the person stay free of the demon(s)?

ANSWER: 40% said “Yes,” 20% said “No,” 40% did not answer the question.

If yes, to what do you attribute the continued freedom?

ANSWER: 1) Plenty of follow-up.

2) A changed life.

3) The presence of the Holy Spirit in her and continual fellowship with a church.

4) Persistent follow-up by national Christians.

5) By teaching, and rejecting the demons when they return, and thanking God for his freedom.

6) By humbly serving the Lord and receiving teaching.

If no, why do you believe the person was unable to remain free?

ANSWER: 1) My lack of training.

2) The person didn’t get truly saved.

10. What do you believe was the “open door” for the demon(s) in the person’s life?

ANSWER: 1) Hatred and refusal to repent.

2) (She) had gone to a fortune teller and wanted her power.

3) Witchcraft and divination.

4) If (a person) is saved, it is rebellion, if unsaved, it is evil desires.

5) Fortune telling and experimenting.

6) Disobedience to God’s will.

7) Lived and studied in an area where there were spiritists.

8) Attending medicine man ceremonies, parents made a “contract,” the person wanted to be a witch, the person listened to sexual cassette tapes.

9) Lack of knowledge, lack of Christian training.

10) Some give themselves over to demons.

11.Were there spiritist practitioners/witch doctors on your field who engaged in healing, telling fortunes, finding lost objects, etc? [By spiritist practitioner/witch doctor I mean those who operate in league with the demonic world using incantations, herbal medicines, etc., and who think they are helping people.]

ANSWER: 70% said “Yes”

If yes, did they specialize (i.e., some healed, others told fortunes, etc.)?

ANSWER: 70% said “Yes,” 30% did not know.

12. Did people go to the spiritist practitioners for healing?

ANSWER: All said “Yes.”

If yes, did national Christians also go to the spiritist practitioners for healing?

ANSWER: 70% answered “Yes,” or “sometimes,” 10% said “Yes, the Catholics,” and 20% said they didn’t know.

13. How powerful/influential were the spiritist practitioners or witch doctors in the community?

ANSWER: 1) They were highly respected by all unbelievers as they said European doctors did not know the spiritual cause of sickness.

2) More by reputation than power.

3) Very powerful.

4) They get results!

5) Strong.

6) They were highly respected by the populace because everyone saw the results of their spells.

14. Were there Satanists [participants in satanic rituals and who used satanic powers] in your area?

ANSWER: 50% said “Yes,” 20% said “No,” 30% either didn’t answer or didn’t know.

If yes, were they secretive or open with their practices?

ANSWER: Only 40% answered this question, with half saying that they were secretive and half saying they were open.

15. Did you ever feel defeated by demonic powers?

ANSWER: 1) Some said, “No.”

2) Some said, “Yes.”

3) Never!

4) “Feel,” yes, reality no!

If yes, please describe:

ANSWER: 1) Yes, sometimes when my prayer life has been neglected - I feel just everything possible has been attacking me or thwarting my plans. Once while I was asleep I felt I couldn’t breathe, like someone was sitting on my chest. I started praying in my mind and blurted out “Jesus! Help me!” Then I cast out an evil spirit in His name. Then I could breathe easier.

2) I was sleeping at the home of a woman who had mental problems and this force came over me and took my spirit out of my body. I could see my body left behind. I managed to utter the word “Jesus!” very painfully and the demon let go of my spirit and it returned to my body.

3) Yes, when one I prayed for wasn’t successful, and I did not have support from the missionaries over me at that time. They insisted that I not keep the woman in the Bible school compound because she caused disturbance when she ran about naked at times. It made the missionary’s wife nervous. I regretted that we could not be of one accord and agree together in prayer.

4) I had bouts of discouragement but prayer and rest seemed to lift it. I found that the practice of praying and thanking the Lord in and through all things was a great benefit.

16. Please add any comments or observations you think would be helpful to our research on this subject:
    COMMENTS: 1) In cases of deliverance, when the person wanted deliverance and took a humble, repentant attitude, and the missionaries and national leaders were in agreement (deliverance was successful).

2) No one should cast out demons by himself, but should join together with others.

3) Anyone, Christian or not, who attends a medicine man ceremony will suffer tremendous demonic attacks through such. It may be dormant for years...up to 50 or 60 years; then suddenly unexplained attacks are manifested until the person is delivered.

4) Before going to Cuba, I attended Spanish classes. An aged man attended the class who was a spiritist medium and we became acquainted. He invited me to visit his room at night. I said, “You operate in the dark. I will only come if you keep the light on.” “Oh, no brother.” he said. Then later he told me his “Arabian guides” (not calling them demons) agreed to allow me to come and he would leave the light on, so I went. We sat on opposite sides of a very small table. He put his palms down on the table and asked me to do the same. I did. He said the table would move, and even jump a little. I expected that.... After only a few moments, I felt a very slight pressure on my head as if hands were lightly pressing my head. Then this sensation moved to my right while the pressure was still pressing lightly. I knew if I let my mind go, another power would move in and control my mind. I resisted, took my hands off the table, stood to my feet and dismissed myself and left. I knew if I consented/yielded then another would possess me. Satan and his helpers do not jump on anyone without their consent...

there must be a yielding in some way or another.

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